Friday, November 26, 2010

A prescription for better lighting

“Why did you install lighting here in the first place?”

As simple as the question is, that's about how infrequently it is asked, which, is a shame because it's an important question.

The answer to the question is that lighting is for people and, more often than not, it's installed to help people work more effectively. “To help people achieve optimal performance.”

The location of the light source would also be important, in so far as the distribution of light and the direction that beams of light take in reaching the task surface and our reader's eyes. If the lights shine more or less like the high beam headlights of an oncoming car, the reader will have the right amount of light, perhaps, but the nature or quality of that light will not be what's required to permit the fastest possible, error free reading.

Consider the average administrative office worker. The cost of the energy used to provide the electric illumination that person needs to get the job done could be as little as $30 per year, depending on the lighting system being used and the prevailing energy costs. How much is that person paid? Probably $30,000 per year as a minimum, including wages, taxes, and fringe benefits.

If better lighting could help improve that worker's productivity by just 1 percent, the saving would amount to $300, a benefit equivalent to a theoretical 1000 percent energy saving. Or if better lighting could eliminate a glare source that was leading to headaches, neck aches, and eye strain, and thus eliminate one sick day each year, the benefit involved-a savings of about $115, would have a value equivalent to an almost 400 percent lighting energy savings.

Just realize that everywhere that lighting is used, it has a purpose. It almost always is a “people purpose,” meaning that people will be able to perform more effectively-faster, with fewer errors, safer, etc. — with better lighting. Accordingly before you authorize a lighting system change to lower energy consumption and costs, be certain to evaluate how the change will modify the area lighting and as a consequence affect people's performance.

High efficiency lighting, first and foremost, is designed to optimize peoples' performance and thus maximize overall investment on return. In many facilities where lighting is five years old or older, evaluating the need for an energy-motivated upgrade also gives administration the ability to evaluate the potential impact of high-benefit lighting.

In parking lots better lighting can help prevent auto/auto and auto/pedestrian accidents. More effective lighting can also reduce the incidents of vandalism, auto break-ins and assaults among other crimes facilitated by darkness.

Particularly when it comes to outdoor applications, lighting can sometimes permit reductions in security patrols without compromising safety. At some facilities the value of a ten percent security patrol reduction could be two to three times that of the cost of the lighting used to achieve it.

Talk about the concept that lighting is for people! In fact, when an electric illumination system is designed well, it can actually help you better achieve your mission, while lowering the amount of money spent on energy, on people, on insurance, on paperwork, ect.

When considering energy conservation always consider the task at hand and is there a more employee productive product or retrofit available.

Grand Junction Free Press, Matt Thesing is the owner of One Souce Lighting located in Grand Junction.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Solar Thermal Alliance of Colorado holds stakeholder's meeting

Solar Thermal Alliance of Colorado holds stakeholder's meeting

Allie Gardner

Tuesday afternoon in Denver was a fitting day for the first stakeholder’s meeting of the Solar Thermal Alliance of Colorado, a perfect example of the many reasons Colorado is a prime state for solar thermal technology. Plenty of abundant sunshine and warm days, not to mention cool nights and cold groundwater temperatures, make Colorado the American epicenter for solar thermal technology.

Why then has the state largely ignored solar thermal’s potential?

That’s the question and motivation behind the formation of the Solar Thermal Alliance of Colorado (STAC), a strategic alliance committed to advancing solar thermal technology in Colorado. STAC was initiated by the executive directors of the Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association (COSEIA) and Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) and will be composed of leaders in the solar industry, innovators, utility representatives, agricultural organizations, energy professionals, economic development committees, environmental coalitions, and other key stakeholders.

“We’re addressing something historic here and something that has the power to truly change Colorado,” said Neal Lurie, executive director of Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association. “There is a tremendous opportunity here both environmentally and economically. We’re seeing an acceleration in clean energy across the country but we haven’t yet seen Colorado keeping pace on the solar thermal side of things.”

During the meeting, Laurent Meillon, president of Capitol Solar Energy, gave a presentation on the benefits, opportunities, and challenges associated with solar thermal technology in Colorado.

“I have been in business for over twenty years, and I have never seen an opportunity like the potential for solar thermal in Colorado,” he said. “Solar thermal could address over half of energy needs for homes in addition to providing local labor and manufacturing opportunities. The opportunities far outweigh the challenges.”

The Solar Thermal Alliance of Colorado will be creating and implementing a roadmap over the next year that will guide them in their mission to bring solar thermal technology into the spotlight in Colorado. The New York State Solar Thermal Consortium established a similar guide, the New York Solar Thermal Roadmap, which will serve as an example for STAC to follow.

“We want to make Colorado a global leader in solar thermal technology,” said Lurie. “That’s why we’re here today, to start thinking about how we can identify both roadblocks to success and opportunities for growth. We believe this is the foundation, the beginning point of the development of a broad-scale alliance.”

Pictured: Full house heating system with boiler interface. Image courtesy of Capitol Solar Energy

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Conference Solar Power Colorado

Solar Power Colorado

Colorado's Largest B2B Solar Event
Embassy Suites Conference Center
Loveland, Colorado | February 9-11, 2011

Welcome to COSEIA's Annual Solar Conference
Colorado's largest business-to-business solar conference and expo keeps getting better. COSEIA's annual solar conference has a new name - Solar Power Colorado - and will provide an exhibit hall that's twice as big and with more industry insights than ever before.

If you're looking to identify new market opportunities, network with industry professionals and grow your business then you need to participate in this event. Solar Power Colorado takes place February 9-11, 2011 in Loveland, Colorado (near Fort Collins).

Monday, November 1, 2010

We Need Clean Energy Now

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — The world is moving forward with renewable energy. In every major industrial country, serious financial interests in partnership with governments are putting gigantic solar, wind and biomass projects together to create a new era of clean, pollution-free energy.

The Far East, South America, Japan, Spain and Canada, and so many more countries are developing significant carbon-saving projects, creating new industries and jobs for millions of workers. Sadly the U.S. is lagging far behind, running at the back of the pack. Last year Italy, a country smaller than the state of California, installed more solar power than the U.S.

Why are we behind, stifling opportunity to create tens of thousands of new, long-term, good-paying jobs? Perhaps the toxic political atmosphere we are now engaged in reflects the underlying cause: A persistent denial by segments of the body politic that we have a problem with our environment.

Many, even if they acknowledge a problem, would prefer that private forces alone tackle the issue. Others see a significant role for government to play. In reality, it takes both private and public efforts to advance renewable energy. As it happens, all across the world, dozens of countries are succeeding with public/private partnerships where we are not.

The whole premise of building a renewable energy industry and transforming our economy to meet the rising energy demands of an ever-increasing populated world is that our climate is being destabilized and pollution is on the rise. The observations that global temperatures are rising is connected to another observable condition: Greenhouse gases, which are produced from cars and electricity production for houses and industry, are accumulating at a rapid and unnatural pace in the atmosphere. Too much carbon is the culprit.

Now many dispute these assertions for a variety of reasons. Yet, the vast majority of scientists and people agree that this is happening now and they also agree on the primary cause. Even noted climate change denier, Bjorn Lundburg, wrote a new book recanting his previous assertions on the denial of anthropogenic causation of climate change. The tide of denial is receding; here's why:

Parts of our atmosphere act as a blanket, trapping just enough energy from the sun to keep the surface of the planet at the optimal temperature for life to flourish. Many of these parts, including water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) absorb heat, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Other synthetic components have been added to the mix, like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and hexafluoride (HFCs). These are not natural, but produced by industry.

The problem is that all of these compounds are increasing rapidly in the atmosphere. This is measurable and quantifiable. For example, historical levels of CO2 over the time where human civilization has flourished, have been measured at around 275 parts per million. Today, the number stands at 390 PPM and is rising 2 PPM each year. Projected levels based on current growth put them at anywhere from 450 PPM to 600 PPM within 25 years. Temperatures will rise in direct correlation with the increase in carbon content as will climate instability and uncertainty.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a major component of the carbon cycle. For many thousands of years it has been a stable component of the atmosphere. It is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars used in respiration to enable plant growth. Consider carbon in the use of cars and trucks. One gallon of gasoline weighs 6.3 pounds. A carbon atom has an atomic weight of 12 and each oxygen atom it combines with weighs 16 for a total atomic weight of 44. Gasoline is 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen. Calculate the carbon footprint of the burning of one gallon as follows: 44/12 or 3.7 X 5.5 (6.3 Lbs X 87%) = 20 pounds of CO2 for each gallon of gas burned. Now let's see, how many cars are on the planet? Do the math.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is another weak greenhouse gas and pollutant that cars produce. As the number of cars increases, so does the amount of CO produced. CO is a very dangerous gas that comes directly out of the tailpipe of every combustion engine on the planet. It modulates the production of methane in the atmosphere and ozone in the troposphere, impacting global warming and climate change.

How about electricity production? For every 1000 kilowatts of coal-fired electricity consumed, 3.48 pounds of sulfur dioxide and 5.8 pounds of nitrogen oxide is generated creating smog and acid rain, .2 pounds of fine particulate matter aggravating lung and respiratory problems especially in the elderly and children, .12 pounds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in smog and some 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide gas (the greenhouse effect) is spewed into the atmosphere.

The average U.S. residential house consumes around 920 kilowatt hours per month or rounded up to 12,000 KWH per year generating some 25,000 pounds of carbon gas (CO2) emissions each year from coal-fired production. We need clean energy now. Together, let's build a clean, renewable energy economy and keep the jobs here at home.

Visit the Environmental Protection Agency website (the EPA Household Emissions Calculator) to calculate your individual impact on the environment.


Jeff Evans

Simplicity Solar

747 W. White Ave.

Grand Junction, CO 81501
