Tuesday, December 22, 2009

At Last...Solar For Everyone

Solar Cash rebates for all Colorado residents including Grand Valley Power (GVP) members will be available in early 2010. Thank you, Santa! The state of Colorado has just announced details of the much anticipated program. Business owners are eligible for a $15,000 cash rebate and homeowners are eligible for $4,500 cash. Yes, free money.

The rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis and the amount of money is limited. So, if you, like me, are a GVP member and have been waiting for this opportunity to greatly reduce the cost of owning your own clean energy source, be sure to call Atlasta Solar right away to start the rebate application process.

Each rebate recipient is required to complete a brief energy audit for the property. Free energy audits are available from Atlasta Solar. (See coupon below.)

Still don't think you can afford to own your own system, even after tax credits and cash rebates? Call 248-0057 for other financing opportunities coming in 2010.

Happy Holidays from Atlasta Solar!

Adrienne Boggess


2923 North Ave.

(970) 248-0057

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