Monday, March 8, 2010

Fruita Video Plus gets solar power, Lowers Expenses

Fruita Video Plus gets solar power, lowers expenses

Dennis Stark is no newcomer to the DVD and game rental business.

He began his rental business in 1991 in Clifton. He then moved the business to Fruita in 1998. He called the business Video Plus because he rented games as well as movies. Dennis says that the favorite part of running his store is getting to know his customers. He says that there are lots of DVD rental stores out there, but few of them have someone who knows your name, what kind of films you like, or cares whether you return for more business.

Dennis likes to visit with people who come in his store. His strategy is to “beat the competitors on quality.” Dennis is very proud of his current crew at the store - he values his employees. Dennis invests in his business. That is why he had commercial solar power installed on his building. How did it happen?

It all started when Dennis got a energy audit and found out he could get cash rebates from Xcel Energy to reduce his monthly business operating expenses by using energy more efficiently. He decided that the next step was to produce his own clean and green power on-site with a commercial solar power system from Atlasta Solar.

Dennis got cash rebates from Xcel Energy, Tax Credits from the Federal Government, as well as accelerated depreciation for the business equipment capital investment. Dennis selected Atlasta Solar because Atlasta Solar is the longest operating solar company in western Colorado and has the most experience in their industry. Dennis says what he likes about the solar system is that it is “absolutely maintenance-free.”

Give Dennis a call at Video Plus 858-9643 and tell him your favorite movies!

And give Atlasta Solar Center a call to find out what commercial solar can save your business money every day!

Atlasta Solar

2923 North Ave.

Grand Junction, CO 81504-4977,


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