Saturday, September 4, 2010

Going green popular across real estate spectrum

Going green popular across real estate spectrum

Just a few years ago, making a commitment to help the environment meant recycling your plastic bags and glass bottles. But today that concept can be taken much further, to the products we buy, the cars we drive, and even the homes we live in.

Now builders have the know-how to make your home healthier, more energy-efficient and more cost-effective by using green materials and technologies. Here are some questions you may want to ask if you are interested in hiring a professional who is also committed to the cause.

• Have you completed any special education or training courses on this topic? Some states and local agencies offer training and even certificate programs for builders who are serious about putting green technologies to work for their clients.

• How can we use the latest technology to reduce costs and boost comfort? This could include using specific kinds of insulation, a special ventilation system, or even solar panels to supplement traditional energy sources.

• What kinds of appliances and home systems should we use? When you think green about all parts of the home, from the toilet (water conservation) to the windows (are they energy efficient?), is when you can make the most difference. An experienced green builder should be able to recommend the products and fixtures that are best.

• How do you reduce, re-use, and recycle? Find out if the builder uses materials made from recycled materials when they are available and recommended. Also, inquire how he disposes of waste materials from the construction site.

Going green when you are building a new home is a worthwhile and serious undertaking. Learn as much as you can about the topic and the builder to ensure a smooth process and productive result. For more information on green building, visit the Green Advantage website at

Rick Thurtle is a broker associate with Century 21 Homestead Realty. He utilized the resources of 21online.compreparing this story. You can contact Rick at 254-3922 or at

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