Saturday, November 24, 2012

Is Colorado's "new energy economy" still viable in light of recent setbacks in the industry? Yes

Mark Twain famously said, "The report of my death was an exaggeration." Today, we read similar reports concerning the demise of Colorado's "new energy economy." The fact is, due to comprehensive efforts toward regulatory, legislative and programmatic reform taken during the Ritter administration, Colorado's new energy sector continues to thrive, serving a growing market here and around the globe. Clean Edge, Inc., has ranked Colorado's new energy economy fifth in the country for the second year in a row. Colorado has moved up to third in the country (behind California and Massachusetts) for venture capital directed toward innovative advanced-energy companies. These are companies that will not only supply Colorado consumers with clean and secure advanced-energy technologies, but that also will serve a rapidly growing global market. Smart grid companies like Boulder-based Tendril are developing products for our domestic market, as well as finding international markets to serve. Another, Spirae, is virtually running a utility grid in Denmark — from its offices in Fort Collins! The stimulus bill allowed hundreds of companies to set up shop and trained thousands of Coloradans for careers in advanced energy. The low-income weatherization program in Colorado went from serving about 4,000 families per year to over 8,000 per year. Those families have seen their utility bills go down by an average of 40 percent, leaving more money in their pockets at the end of the month and their homes more comfortable. Today, Xcel is on track to meet Colorado's nation-leading renewable energy standard early while staying within the 2 percent cost cap. In 2007, Colorado had electricity rates 19 percent below the national average. In 2011 — after four years of record renewable deployment and economic development — Colorado's rates were 22 percent below the national average. The 400 megawatts of new wind announced last week cost less than other traditional resources, saving money for Xcel's ratepayers while protecting them from future fuel-price increases. Solar is also strong in Colorado. Even in a recession and an uncertain economic environment, Colorado installed 91 MW of solar last year, enough to power nearly 19,000 homes every year. The costs to install solar have dropped 70 percent in the past three years and the industry has contributed $1 billion to Colorado's economy. Even more important: Today, solar is a $93 billion global industry, up from $17 billion only five years ago. Just ask Colorado's Juwi Solar, now one of the leading solar developers in the world. But what about Solyndra and Abound Solar? It is true that increased competition globally (and China flooding the market) has made it a tough marketplace for solar manufacturers, although falling prices are also what is making solar more affordable and speeding installation. Just as with any early high-growth industry, consolidation will occur. Some companies will be swallowed up or just won't be able to compete. While this may be painful, it is a sign of growing maturity in the industry and will lead to a stronger sector overall. In the wind industry, Colorado has experienced some temporary setbacks with layoffs in the Vestas plants due to congressional inaction on the production tax credit. The industry and financial markets need certainty, and once they have it Colorado manufacturing plants will again provide the North American market with the latest turbine technology Vestas has to offer. Over the past five years, wind energy has experienced a staggering 25 percent average growth rate. A recent International Energy Association report predicts another 40 percent growth in renewable generation over the next five years. Colorado is well-positioned to meet this global demand. While our political leaders need to ensure a stable policy and regulatory environment for the industry, Colorado's new energy economy is on a strong and stable footing that will provide the state with economic, energy and environmental benefits for generations to come. Tom Plant, former energy chief under Gov. Bill Ritter, is now vice president for state policy for Advanced Energy Economy in Nederland.

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