Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Adams County, CO first county in nation to invest in community solar garden

The community solar model is quickly emerging as a viable and desirable source of renewable energy. Adams County, Co. is the next community to invest in the shared solar model, making it the first county in the nation to partner in a community solar garden. In 2010, the Colorado State legislature led the nation by passing the country's first Community Solar Gardens Act to allow customers who aren't able to put solar panels on their homes to buy solar energy from a solar array located in their community. Since then, 16 states from Minnesota to California have developed legislation creating their own community solar gardens programs. Denver-based SunShare, who already has more than 11 MW of community solar gardens built or under development in Colorado, is providing the garden for Adams County. SunShare has projects underway with Colorado Springs Utilities and Xcel Energy with the capacity to serve more than 2,200 homes. SunShare customers who buy a specific amount of energy from the solar garden receive a credit on their Colorado Springs Utilities or Xcel Energy bill.

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