Thursday, February 12, 2015

Don’t change our state’s 
renewable energy standards

It is very disappointing to watch our newly elected state Senator attack Colorado’s renewable energy standards. He mistakenly thinks these clean energy standards are detrimental to Colorado. What about our children and grandchildren? Do they not have the right to enjoy our beautiful state the way we do? If we don’t step up to combat climate change, future generations will be harmed far more than we can even imagine. Clean energy policies, such as Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard, are significantly cutting emissions of carbon pollution — the leading cause of global warming — according to a new report by Environment Colorado Research & Policy Center. The report, Moving America Forward, showed that Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard saved 3.7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere in 2012. That is comparable to the annual emissions from over 750,000 cars. This effort is building a strong clean energy economy and is helping us break our dangerous addiction to fossil fuels. Colorado has been a leader in clean energy action for years and we must continue this leadership. Clean energy benefits our economy and environment. The protections of these standards safeguard future Coloradans’ quality of life. Don’t jeopardize those qualities that make Colorado so special. Join me in asking our elected representatives to resist any rollbacks in our renewable energy standards. RICK BAER Grand Junction

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