Tuesday, March 31, 2015

GRID's First Community Solar Groundbreaking

The GRID Alternatives Colorado office is embarking on an unprecedented and first-of-its-kind project this spring. Community Solar is a new approach that GRID is piloting in Colorado that will increase access to solar energy for low-income families. Differing from our Rooftop program, Community Solar will be a large scale, ground-mounted photovoltaic system brought about through partnerships with local utility companies such as Grand Junction based Grand Valley Power. By increasing the size of the solar systems GRID volunteers install, we will better be able to serve greater numbers of clients by reducing qualifications and increasing energy output. On Friday March 27th, encouraged by the applause produced by a 50+ person group made up of GRID Alternatives staff, representatives from Grand Valley Power and members of the Grand Valley business community, GRID Colorado’s Executive Director Chuck Watkins celebrated the official groundbreaking on a site that will soon provide 7 families clean, renewable and affordable solar energy. Friday’s groundbreaking was the first event celebrating GRID Alternative’s investment in community solar but it certainly will not be the last. The Grand Valley Power project will wrap up with a two day Community Solarthon event taking place on May 29th and 30th, 2015. During Community Solarthon, over 100 volunteers consisting of community members, solar sponsors and job trainees will participate in every aspect of the instillation process from setting up racking to panel install and wiring. There is still time for you to participate in this landmark event! Please see the Community Solarthon website for sponsorship opportunities or speak to a GRID staff member over the phone at (303)968-1326.

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