Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Colorado Solar Victory on Net Metering

The Public Utilities Commission majority decided this morning that no immediate changes are needed to net metering in Colorado. In a discussion, Chairman Joshua Epel and commissioner Pam Patton agreed there is no rush to change the key policy of giving solar rooftop owners retail credit for the energy they produce. Commissioner Glenn Vaad earlier said he thinks the credit is too high. While a written order will provide greater clarification, this appears to be the outcome we have been working towards in more than a year of work on this docket that has included four workshops and numerous written filings. We have worked in full collaboration with other members of the solar industry and this represents a tremendous amount of hard work from many people. Citing political battles around the nation on net metering, Epel said, ` It is in our interests to continue net metering and not referee a philosophical dispute - that's not the Colorado way...I see no need to change the policy on one to one retail rate credit.'' He also reiterated that all parties agree that if solar customers meet requirements, utilities must allow interconnection. Commissioner Pam Patton said, ``We do not have an immediate problem that needs to be fixed.'' The commission is closing the proceeding, and members suggested policy changes would be up to the legislature, although some issues could be brought up in a later proceeding such as a rate case.

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