Monday, November 2, 2015

Xcel wants to test battery storage for solar power in Denver

Xcel Energy Inc. is asking state regulators to approve a test of adding massive batteries to its system to store renewable energy and send the power to customers when they need it. Xcel is proposing to add the batteries to its grid system for commercial customers at the planned Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Co. development near Denver International Airport. The second test would support residential customers in the Stapleton neighborhood in Denver that has a lot of solar power panels on the homes. The tests could be launched as soon as 2016 or 2017, according to Xcel. "Our goal is to use these demonstration projects as a foundation for how to efficiently manage renewable energy on our Colorado system, and to continue to provide our customers with insight into the energy choices they want and value," said David Eves, president of Public Service Co. of Colorado, Xcel's subsidiary in the state. Most people think of battery storage systems to provide back up power for solar power installations, but they can do more, Eves said.

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